How to stretch well in 6 steps

Hi my lovely dancers! 

Today I'm going to share with you some tips and tricks to stretch as well as possible and avoid painful aches and pains in just 6 steps 😉 It will only take you 15 minutes of your time. 

That's right! Who hasn't experienced those terrible aches and pains that make us unable to move and make us moan like a 99 year old senior? I can already hear you nodding. 

Aches and pains often appear twenty-four hours after physical exertion and generally "reassure" us because if they are there it means that we've done a good job! 

In short, it is FUNDAMENTAL to stretch well after a class or a dance performance. Don't neglect stretching because it allows you to amplify your movements and progress more easily in your sports activity by reducing muscle stiffness. When done properly, they promote muscle flexibility, improve posture and balance, prevent injury and increase body awareness. 

Are you ready and willing? Let's get started! 

Nota bene: feel free to stay between 20 and 60 seconds per posture. 

Step 1: Stretching the hips

Standing with your legs apart the width of your pelvis, your back straight and your hands on your waist, take a big step forward with your right leg, then put your left knee on the ground. Then push your pelvis forward keeping your back straight to make a lunge by bending your right knee to the maximum. Return to a standing position and do the other leg.

Step 2: intense stretching

Standing with feet together, place your hands on the floor on either side of your feet. As you breathe in, straighten your elbows with your fingers, bring your head and torso away from your thighs. Your back should be flat.

Lift your chest forward and lengthen your spine. Extend the neck forward. You can bend your knees slightly to help you. Then return to a standing position.

Step 3: stretching the quadriceps

Stand up, grasp your right ankle and bring your heel towards your right buttock, then turn your pelvis forward (squeezing your buttocks). Switch legs.

Step 4: Stretching of the buttocks and lower back

Lying on the ground, bend your right leg and bring your right knee back to your chest as far as possible while crossing your fingers on your knee. Keep your left leg extended and keep your chin on your chest so your head doesn't tilt backwards. Switch legs.

Step 5: Stretching the lumbar vertebrae

Lie on your back with your feet and pull both knees towards your chest. Wrap your arms around your knees. For a lower back massage, gently rotate your legs together, feeling the movement in your lower back and hips and at the base of your spine.

Step 6: Stretching to the toes

Sitting on the floor with your legs straight, extend your arms towards your toes and bring your torso back towards your knees.

You've got it, stretch! 


  1. Hello,
    I've been looking for a stretching session for a very long time to be able to stretch after dancing (real dancers know how much we need it!) so I'm so glad I read your article.
    The exercises are simple to do and well explained, congratulations and thank you very much! I will tell my dance teacher about your blog.
    I look forward to reading more of your articles on dance because I am a passionate dancer who has been dancing for 16 years.

  2. Another very interesting article!

    Are you planning to do an article on warm-up which is just as important for us dancers?

    I loved your site, look forward to reading the next articles.

    1. Hi Mrg.z, thank you for your comment. Yes actually I was about to write another article about warm-up exercises 🙂 Soon, soon...!

  3. Merci pour ces exercices de gym, je vais pouvoir reprendre le sport avec une bonne alimentation grâce à tes articles. C'est super !

  4. C'est expliqué dans les détails, je teste dès demain !

  5. Una maravilla, así podremos practicar deporte durante la cuarentena, mil gracias !

  6. Enfin des exercices stretching simples à réaliser et qui ne me font pas tordre dans tous les sens ! Je cherchais de quoi faire ses étirements simples, mais les réponses sont beaucoup trop vastes et dispersées. Cet article propose les étirements que je cherchais ! Merci !

  7. Great !
    I was looking for exercices to keep fit and avoid stacking up all those biscuits I'm eating during isolation hahaha. I try to do them on a daily basis, it really does me a lot of good. I will definitely continue doing them when isolation is over. Thank youuuuu !


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