Maintain a good diet without depriving oneself

Hi my lovely dancers! 

Today, I'm going to talk about a daily good diet. To be in top shape and dance well, you need to take care of your diet 😉 Balanced meals will provide you with the calories you need.

The rule of three

For a good dietary balance, you should eat three meals a day, to which you can add a snack in the afternoon. Avoid snacking outside of these fixed appointments.

1) Breakfast: it must be copious. It should combine a cereal product (bread, cereals, rusks...), a lipid (butter, sunflower margarine...), a protein rich in calcium (milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese...), a fruit and a drink (tea, coffee, water...).


2) Lunch and dinner: they must include a protein (fish, poultry, white meat, egg, ham...once a day only), a vegetable (green or dry), possibly a dairy product and a fruit. You can add a raw vegetable or soup. 


3) A healthy snack: in case of cravings, especially before taking a dance class at the end of the afternoon, you can eat a fruit, an energy bar or some dried fruits (almonds, nuts, hazelnuts...).


Drink, drink and drink again!

When you dance, your muscular effort leads to energy expenditure. This produces heat, which increases your body temperature. To prevent you from boiling, your body gets rid of this excess heat through sweat. But depending on the effort and the temperature of the dance hall, sweating can lead to a significant loss of water. To avoid dehydration, you can compensate by drinking a lot. Otherwise beware of fatigue and cramps! Don't hesitate to drink before, during and after classes. 

Don't forget the vitamins!

Exercising your muscles also requires a supply of vitamins B and C. If you eat a balanced diet, there is no risk of deficiencies. That's why nutritionists insist so much on eating five fruits and vegetables a day. That's why you shouldn't eliminate bread (because it makes you fat, that is not really true) or cereals from your diet either. 

Final note

I wanted to share with you some Instagram accounts that could help you to maintain a daily good diet 😋 : 


  1. Hello,
    I have been a dancer for several years but it was very difficult for me to find a diet recommended for the practice of dance so I am very happy to have read your article.
    Congratulations because very few are the ones that deal with your subject.
    In addition to being beautiful to look at and healthy for your health, the dishes you offer look great!
    We look forward to reading more of your articles.

  2. I agree with you, few sites talk about dancers' food, it was very interesting.
    And OMG, the instagram account you selected made me too hungry !

  3. Your blog is very pretty, well designed and makes us want to read it more again. Furthermore, it gives advices very interesting and the pictures match perfectly with the text. Congratulations!

  4. Il n'y a rien de meilleur qu'un bol rempli de fromage blanc accompagné de céréale et de fruit dès le petit matin ! Totalement d'accord !

  5. Je suis très gourmand mais c'est vrai qu'il est mieux de manger sainement. Merci pour avoir partager les influenceurs à suivre, ça donne pas mal d'idée.

  6. hello, many thanks for your recommendations ! I like the copious breakfast :) and I think all the guidelines you reported in this article can be applied in a lot of other activities ;-)

  7. Enfin un article simple sobre et efficace pour nous informer sur la manière de maintenir une alimentation équilibrée dans le temps. Cet article dynamique et structuré garantit à ses lecteurs de s’alimenter correctement pendant un long moment ;)

  8. Awesome Nutrition guide ! Absolutely love it, really easy to read, I wish the stuff I make at home would look like thoses photos.. great advices ! Thank you!


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