Contemporary dance

Hi my lovely dancers! Today, I'm going to introduce you an essential part of dance: contemporary dance. This form of dance covers different modes of expression that appeared from the 1960s onwards. It is embodied notably in a generation of French choreographers who, in the 1980s, invented their own body language. The American influence American choreographers such as Susan Buirge , Carolyn Carlson or Alwin Nikolais come to work in France. Alwin Nikolais directed the Centre national de danse contemporaine d'Angers, the first French contemporary dance school from 1978 onwards. Each in his own way will influence the French choreographers who will emerge in the 1980s. A "sponge-dance" Receptive to other artistic disciplines, contemporary dance is nourished by multiple influences: circus, mime, comics, literature, cinema, plastic is also much used by contemporary choreographers such as Philippe Decouflé or Hervé Robbe . Others tr...